Study Resources

Study Resources

Apologetics Press

An outstanding web-site with a variety of excellent resources on apologetics and Christian evidences.

Truth for the World

A multi-media approach to world evangelism underthe oversight of the Deluth Church of Christ in Deluth, Georgia. They have many excellent tracts, Bible correspondence courses, sermons, etc., for the serious Bible student.

The Spiritual Sword

The web-site of The Spirtual Sword an excellent quarterly published by the Getwell Church of Christ of Memphis, Tennessee. Alan E. Highers is the editor.

Gospel Broadcasting Network

Pioneer Preachers
Listen to Old Time Faithful Preachers such as Guy N. Woods, N.B. Hardeman, B.C. Goodpasture, G.C. Brewer,
Marshall Keeble, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., George W. DeHoff, Batsell Barrett Baxter, and Charles Holder

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